Unlock the Secrets to Your Personal and Professional Growth!

(In less than 15 minutes discover your unique behavioral style and achieve your full potential with a personalized 19-Page DISC assessment!)

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What Is It?

The Extreme Eecution DISC assessment is a tool developed by motivational speaker Eric Thomas that helps individuals understand their behavioral style and how it affects their ability to execute their goals. The assessment is based on the DISC model of behavior, which categorizes individuals into four styles: Dominant, Influential, Steady, and Compliant.

The Extreme Execution DISC assessment is unique in that it is designed specifically for individuals who want to achieve extraordinary success in their personal and professional lives. The assessment is intended to help individuals identify their strengths and weaknesses in terms of execution, and to provide them with strategies for overcoming any barriers that may be preventing them from achieving their goals.

All It takes is 15 minutes!

Step 1

Complete the assessment. Be honest with yourself and learn your personality type. 

Step 2

Learn your strengths and figure out where your blind spots are and learn to strengthen your potential.

Step 3

Book a 1-on-1 Coaching Call With Dot or Malcom to discuss a personalized strategy.  

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Which One Are You?


This person is characterized by high levels of assertiveness and a focus on achieving results. Individuals with this style are often seen as competitive, direct, and goal-oriented.

Flight Attendant

This person is characterized by high levels of sociability and a focus on building relationships. Individuals with this style are often seen as persuasive, enthusiastic, and optimistic.

Grounds Crew 

This person is characterized by high levels of patience and a focus on maintaining stability. Individuals with this style are often seen as reliable, supportive, and consistent.

Air Traffic Control

This person is characterized by high levels of attention to detail and a focus on following rules and procedures. Individuals with this style are often seen as analytical, organized, and precise.

DISC + Coaching


Top features

  • Personality Profile Assessment ($97 Value)
  • 19-Page Assessment Report ($47 Value)
  • 1 on 1 Call with Malcom Or Black Dot ($497)
  • Personalized Strategy For Extreme Execution (Priceless!) 

Frequently Asked Questions